Friday, April 15, 2011

Elderly in Pakistan: How the old people are viewed

Although it was a bit difficult finding articles on culture in Pakistan I located several things on family in Pakistan. So, in general culture determines how families interact with other people and develop in every country, and the same is true for Pakistan. People of Pakistan view the elderly as a integral part of traditional and cultural family values giving them lots of respect, and considering them very high in society.

In Pakistan, the joint family system is usually the norm. Joint families usually comprise of a father, mother, children, grand father and mother, and they all live together with their people in the same family unit. Moreover, the father of the household will play a significant role with respect to the well-being of his family. Also, Pakistani families take good care of their elders, and do not view the task as a hassle or burden, as I believe many do here in the States. The majority of families in Pakistan follow the joint family system and live their life along with their elders.

In recent years, urbanization has altered family systems in Pakistan, especially in larger cities. One of the largest cities in Pakistan, Karachi has been influenced the most by urbanization.

When considering the elder people in Pakistan, they usually stick with their offspring or grandchildren to get complete support and care. They rely and depend on their family to get assistance and support in all aspects such as physical, social and financial well-being. Giving physical and emotional support is quite usual in joint family systems. It has been declared that urbanization, and the influence of nuclear families will probably ruin family care to elders in the family. Urbanization will also drop-off the care of the growing children with their elders.

The situation will become really troublesome for the elderly living in a nuclear family. They can live without any troubles or risk when they reside in a joint family, but in nuclear families the elderly will most likely lose the constant support of relatives, like the most family systems here in the United States. Individuals who closely stick in joint family will respect their elders and give them support in all possible ways. Urbanization and its growth in Pakistan will promote the growth of the nuclear family system, but it will also decrease the care and support to the elderly in families.

Most Pakistanis give much respect to their customs and traditions and follow most family values.

Dawn- Pakistan Newspaper

Overview of Pakistan: Language, Religion, culture, and customs

Article on overcoming poverty in Pakistan, look into one Pakistani family

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